Primers - The foundation for success
Choose any or all of our optional primers to prepare yourself for the next stage of your CQF journey.
If your math, finance or programming knowledge is a little rusty, our unique primers are just the thing to help you polish your skills and bring you up to speed ahead of the CQF modules. The great majority of our delegates take this opportunity to refresh their knowledge and value the benefits it brings. The primers are available following the payment of your deposit.
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Mathematics Primer
The CQF program begins with the Mathematics Primer, 12 hours of intensive training covering all the math preliminaries you'll need to know. The primer has been carefully designed to help you feel at home with the level of math involved in the core program.
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- Functions and Limits
- Differentiation and Integration
- Complex Numbers
- Functions of Several Variables
- First Order Equations
- Second and Higher Order Equations
- Probability Distribution Function
- Cumulative Distribution
- Expectation Algebra
- Key Discrete and Continuous Distributions Including the Normal Distribution
- Central Limit Theorem
- General Summary Statistics
- Maximum Likelihood Estimator
- Regression and Correlation
- Matrices and Vectors
- Systems of Linear Equations
- Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
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Python Primer
The Python Primer introduces Scientific Computing in Python. Ideal if you’re new to coding in this setting, this primer includes eight hours of training and will present the essentials of Python language in a scientific framework. Enabling you to begin writing numerical code, you’ll start with screen output and learn to write simple programs for computational purposes.
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The primer covers:
- Python syntax: variables; basic data types; control flow; functions, file input/output
- Mathematical applications of Python: standard mathematical functions in the mathematics library; operations on numerical arrays; linear algebra; statistics; data plot
- Good programming practices, documenting code; debugging
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Finance Primer
This primer introduces the key concepts and different asset classes needed for the CQF program. Designed to benefit both those who are working in the industry and seeking a refresher, and those who have no experience within financial services but may be looking to move into this type of role, this ten-hour primer lays the foundations you’ll need to succeed.
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The primer covers:
- Macro Economics
- Capital Markets in Fundamentals
- Introduction to Money Markets
- Time Value of Money
- Introduction to Equities
- Introduction to Bonds
- Introduction to Swaps
- Introduction to FX
- Introduction to Derivatives
- Introduction to Commodities