What is Extreme Value Theory?

Extreme Value Theory (EVT) is a statistical approach that focuses on analyzing extreme events or values in data, rather than assuming a normal or symmetric distribution. It provides a framework for understanding and modeling the behavior of extreme values that exceed a certain threshold. Unlike traditional statistical methods that focus on central tendencies, EVT concentrates on the tail behavior of distributions. In quantitative finance, EVT is used for modeling extreme stock market returns, assessing tail risks through measures like Value at Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES), analyzing extreme losses in portfolio management, and calculating risk measures for extreme events.
EVT typically employs three fundamental extreme value distributions: the Gumbel distribution, the Fréchet distribution, and the Weibull distribution. These distributions are used to model extreme events and capture the tail behavior of data. To analyze extreme values, EVT uses two main approaches: the block-maxima method and the peak-over-threshold method. The block-maxima approach selects the maximum value within each block of data, while the peak-over-threshold approach focuses on values exceeding a predefined threshold.
When thinking about EVT, it is important to know about the Extreme Value Index (EVI). The EVI is an important parameter estimated in EVT. It quantifies the tail behavior of the distribution and helps measure the probability of extreme events occurring. It provides insights into the severity and frequency of extreme values.
EVT does have some limitations as it assumes certain conditions, such as independence and stationarity of extreme events, which may not always hold in real-world financial data. Careful validation and consideration of data quality and model assumptions are necessary when applying EVT in practice.
EVT is a valuable tool for understanding and managing tail risks in finance. It allows for a deeper analysis of extreme events that traditional statistical techniques might overlook, providing insights into the behavior of rare and extreme values.