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Elena Chachkarova
River and Mercantile Group
United Kingdom

CQF was recommended to me by my company to help me build and extend my finance and programming skills that I would then apply in my day to day work. Coming from a physics background it was a hard few months to get a grasp of both finance and programming before I could bring value to my team and CQF helped become a lot more confident at my job. The program was very well structured in that it helps people with a limited knowledge to very quickly build skills and start developing a bigger picture of the whole industry. The course is challenging, but for a short period of time can provide you with all the knowledge you need to start a career in the field.

Furthermore, as an alumni there are endless benefits to keep yourself up to date with quant finance or even refresh your knowledge. I keep coming back to CQF lectures whenever I need to implement pricing of a new financial instrument or curve building or just when I think I am starting to forget some of the topics. I would also recommend attending the Network events that are organized by the institute, I have met a lot of very interesting people working in different areas of quant finance and I had a chance to talk to the lecturers and discuss their views on the future of the industry.

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