I signed up for the CQF because I wanted to upgrade my knowledge of quantitative finance techniques.
Financial markets are hugely innovative and quantitative finance is one of the fastest moving. Being employed in a senior role in an asset management firm, I thought that it was perfect for me: an intense six-month course that took me through the most important concepts. I have been a long time studier, having done an accounting qualification (ACA) part-time in the three years following my undergraduate studies, then completed a part-time Masters degree and subsequently the CFA exams (also part time). Having then taken a two year break, I was wanting to expand my knowledge of derivative mathematics and was very relaxed about undertaking further part-time studies! Having recently has my first child, it was perfect for me - the late nights just flew by, with feeds interleaved with the heavy homework assignments!
... I found that the technology and experience far exceeded my expectations. In fact the North American distance learners all got to know each other (virtually) by the end of the course - really no different to being in the classroom.
The CQF is well recognized all around the world, and provides great practical knowledge in quantitative finance and is a fantastic introduction to VBA and C++. Perhaps the most important benefit offered is the alumni support. Once you complete the course, the program continues to offer learning opportunities and your are invited to worldwide presentations about the hot topics in quantitative finance, together with a library of prerecorded lectures. I found that I didn't have the time to go through these on the course but make time for them after I left. It really is a tremendous resource.
Although now back in London, I lived in New York when I signed up for the course and hence did the whole course as a distance learner. Although I thought I would miss the bonding of the classroom, I found that the technology and experience far exceeded my expectations. In fact the North American distance learners all got to know each other (virtually) by the end of the course - really no different to being in the classroom. The quality of the lectures was excellent, and the flexibility offered in unbeatable.